Beautiful Vision Project is a collection of inspiring stories and essential resources to help those living with vision loss



An intimate look into living with vision loss. Each story is an inspiring testament to how we find strength through adversity



In 2014, a BB gun shot ruptured his eye. The eye lost most of its vision, but the pain and loss transformed Omari.

Despite his fears of never leading a normal life, Omari is happy with who he has become.

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From mobility training to financial aid programs, these sites and forms are essential  for those living with vision loss


Bookshare is an international library dedicated to providing access to books for those who cannot read traditional print text. For students the service is free, and for non-students there is a low annual fee.

Bookshare - Accessible Online Library

Bookshare - Accessible Online Library

Vision & Blindness

Simplified explanations of vision and diseases that cause blindness for the newly diagnosed and their family and friends


anatomy of the Eye

An approachable walkthrough of how the eye enables vision